Where am I going to sleep?

If you’ve been following my blogs already, you may wonder where I’m going to sleep whilst on my long walk?
Initially, I planned to sleep in B & B’s, pubs and small hotels. However, the cost of doing that each night, is probably going to be too steep. Also, as it’s during the school summer holidays, availability will probably be low, (especially having two dogs), and I can’t really book ahead, because I don’t know how long it will take me between stages of the walk.
I’m not sure, but with regards to accommodation, I may find things are slightly different when I get to Scotland, because the school holidays end mid-August, compared to the rest of the UK, where they end at the beginning of September.
I have already checked for accommodation suggestions in the guidebooks, which I’ll have with me for reference. Otherwise, I’m going to rely on Google.
My other option of course, is to camp.
The last time I camped is over 10 years ago, and over 20 for a multi-day trip kayaking. So, I’ll be searching for campsites. I’m hoping they’re not full too.
Generally, I go to bed with the sun and rise with it too. And I do want to get out early to get walking before the day heats up, not just for me, but for the dogs too.
In preparation for the trip, I have bought a tent (Vango Cairngorms 200) and pitched it once in the garden so far. It took me 17 minutes, which I didn’t think was too bad for a first attempt, but not as fast as the advertised 7 minutes it should take!
The tent is supposed to be perfect for backpacking and trekking, and weights just over 2kg. But then I also have to carry an inflatable light weight matt, and also a sleeping bag that weights 1.5kg.
The dogs will also sleep inside the tent with me, which will be interesting, but I need them with me, so they don’t wander off.
When I’m camping, and getting hot, I may have to wash in a stream or go for a swim, if possible. Again, to cut down on the weight, I’m carrying a detergent solution that can be used for the body, hair, clothes, dishes – you name it! I even have a “wash bag” which you fill up with garments that need washing, some water and detergent. Then you shake it about and rub it over stone and such (like an old washboard), then rinse and done. Can’t wait to try that out.
If all else fails, I might also see if I can call in some favours from friends for a bed for the night, or use of their back garden to pitch my tent.
When it comes to eating on the trip, I’ll keep an eye on the map to see where I am in terms of access to shops. Once I’m travelling and know how far we can travel, I can stock up, and ensure both me and dogs, have food when needed. I always carry nuts with me, as they’re a great source of energy.
Some people may wonder about the safety aspect of me travelling alone as a women. I’m not worried about travelling alone, and I’m not, because I have my two ‘boys’ with me, but I have checked mobile coverage, in case of emergency. And I generally check in with my family every day, so that’s the norm anyway.
If you’d like to follow how my walk is going, please follow my blog on www.thewanderlustcoach.com
or follow the boys on Instagram: www.instagram.com/watsonandhastings/