Week 6 – The Big Hike

Posted on August 28, 2023 Tags: ,
Claudia and dogs walking on road

When I wrote last week’s blog I was thoroughly fed up: with the endless moor, the difficulty of navigating, the same old scenery. I wasn’t in a happy place when I made the changes and booked onto the train to Glasgow and Milngavie. I was doubting we’d get very far. 

And then Monday came and we toddled off to Haltwhiste. Not on the Pennine Way though. We said goodbye to that in the morning and stayed on the South Tyne Way: a lovely track, mostly level, going underneath and across a Viaduct. With every step I felt the weight of the last few days fall off and realised I had made the right decision. 

The train ride to Glasgow (via Carlisle) was a challenge as several trains were cancelled and the one we were on was packed. The boys were great, and so were the other passengers: stepping carefully over and around the dogs. When we got to Milngavie we had a small hike to our accommodation. And with every step I felt like I was in the right place. 

What’s tricky about decision making is that you don’t know whether you made the right choice until you make it. Our brains are amazing, but it’s very, very difficult to trick ourselves into thinking we’ve made a decision when we actually haven’t. Usually, we weigh up the options, try to think “what if” and imagine how the decision would impact our lives. But the feeling of having made the right decision only sets in once the decision is made AND we’re taking action in its direction. 

Back in Scotland I couldn’t stop smiling. I still can’t. Yes, the accommodation on the first night wasn’t great but the views were spectacular! The West Highland Way is much more frequented than any of the other national trails I’ve been on. The people you meet on the first day are likely to be your companions for the duration as most follow a similar itinerary. Naturally, mine is dictated by the dogs and where I’ve been able to find accommodation. Even so, I’ve met several people again and again: from Germany, Italy, the US, Australia, Switzerland- the list goes on. It took a little getting used to to have so many other people around; there’s mostly someone within earshot. 

I feel like I belong here. Not necessarily in Scotland (I’m not going to move here just yet), but with this community of people who want to explore and enjoy the outdoors. And then I had an idea: offering week-long Wanderlust Adventures. In essence, you travel on the first day to Scotland and meet your fellow adventurers. Days 2-6 you walk and talk guided by me and in company of the dogs; following my DREAM coaching process. Day 7 you travel back home. How does that sound to you? Would you like to join me? 

When I set out in July, I had the vision of clients coming to join me on the way. Some tried, but it proved difficult with timing and location. That’s how the Wanderlust Adventure came about. It might not always be Scotland; I could see us walk a stretch on the South West Coast Path, or, if you need to work on your resilience, even the Pennine Way (not the whole length of it though). At the moment I’m thinking of making this a small group experience of 3-5 people. And I’d really love to know your thoughts on this idea. 

It’s only a few more days on the West Highland Way, then onto the Great Glen and before I know it I’ll be in Inverness. What then? I’m not sure, but I know I’ll find out in good time! 

Current tally for the Big Hike: 734km (456 miles). 

If you’d like to watch our journey more closely you have several options: follow me on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/claudia.unger.58958), or follow the dogs on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/watsonandhastings/).And if you’ve got a career or life challenge that you’d like to discuss, you’re welcome to book a free 15-minute coaching session here: https://wanderlustcoach.as.me