Week 5 – The Big Hike
Apparently there were more lessons to be had in the fog, storm, and rain. Who knew? Indeed, I did not think the “summer” could get any worse weather wise but it did. After the last break in Hawes – and another catch-up with my hiking friends, I got back on the road last Monday. It was pouring rain. Despite my newly purchased rain coat and gaiters (so fashionable!)I was soaked within two hours. Oh well.
You come to a point where you just march through the water instead of trying to find a way round it. That’s how it was on that Monday when we did our biggest trek yet with 33km (19 miles). We crossed multiple waterfalls because some of the paths were flooded from rainfall. The phone was near useless because everything got so wet that it was almost impossible to log into it.
Thankfully, we were on the Pennine Way which is generally well sign-posted. We went from Hawes to Tan Hill (for those of you wanting to check the terrain). It’s a lovely route in the beginning and then the climbing starts (the ascent on the day was 1000m). But where it really got tough was on the moor. The last 10km we could have happily done without.
But the week didn’t continue like that: there was sunshine and beauty in the surroundings. At least for a couple of hours a day. And we were generally in good spirits, although still mostly water logged which takes a toll on the muscles. As we moved North, every day I thought we’d leave the moor behind. We didn’t. I started to question why I’m doing this walk.
It was inevitable. The question was going to surface at some point.
But I thought (and hoped) that by that time I’d have the answer. And all I got was more fog. More reminders of persistently setting one foot in front of the other – because the one truth that’s truly true: when you stop you don’t get anywhere!
The fog, coupled with strong winds, made me realize something else: how often do we only see what’s in front because we can’t see beyond. We’re blinded somehow; sometimes by our own mind, our opinions, sometimes because others don’t want us to see everything.
What happens then is classic: we push through. Regardless of what we know, think we know, and don’t know. Often, we push on with speed. Afterall, it’s very uncomfortable to be “in the fog”. But what if we found the strength to slow down. To wait and let the fog lift?
As I’m writing this, I’m very conscious that that isn’t what I have done. I have completely rerouted the journey and we’re going to jump on a train to Scotland on Tuesday to tackle (at least part of) the West Highland Way. Inching closer to Inverness, but I’m not sure at all at this point whether that is our destination. Maybe we do need to slow down, appreciate what we’ve achieved already and let the facts emerge in their own time.
Once we start controlling, well, trying to control how our journey goes it often is a lost battle. Much better to trust that what we need we will find. ’ve been able to do so much on this hike already, but for some reason the last 24 hours I’ve tried ridiculously hard to make things happen my way.
Ah well! Without these experiences I would be insufferable, I’m sure!
This week actually saw some milestones that I feel I should shout about:
- The new website is up! Thank you very much to Danielle and the Blacknova Team!
- The last press release was sent out with the lessons that I’ve learnt (or am learning) thanks to the wonderful Fiona of Scott Media.
- And the dogs and I crossed the 500km mark!
Many reasons to be thankful for. What it’s clearly showing me is this: I might be walking on my own, but I have a huge support system in place! And I’m eternally grateful for it.
Current tally for the Big Hike: 584km (363 miles). As some of my friends would say: go big. Or go home.
If you’d like to watch our journey more closely you have several options: follow me on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/claudia.unger.58958), or follow the dogs on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/watsonandhastings/).
And if you’ve got a career or life challenge that you’d like to discuss, you’re welcome to book a 15-minute free laser coaching session here: https://wanderlustcoach.as.me