Waking Up to New Life
It’s a new Season: Beltane! A season when we’re waking up to new life flourishing all around us. Time to embrace new connections and get together with old friends.
This time is exciting: the plans you formed during the Beginning of the year are starting to show the first signs of blossoming. The promise you made yourself is manifesting in front of your eyes. You have the energy, strength and power to see this through.
You feel wonderfully alive – brimming with energy and passion.
Inspirational Quote
But maybe you think that this is just a passing fad: that it’s only spring making you feel this energized. Like you could pull out trees and move mountains.
I personally think it’s more than that. Yes, the time of the year, the longer days and warmer temperatures are definitely pouring oil on the fire. BUT, if you’ve done the work and you are clear on where you want to go, there is no stopping you.
Whether it’s spring, summer, autumn, or winter.
You have everything you need to see this through!
With that in mind, I love this quote by the amazing Dr. Maya Angelou:
“Age is nothing. Waking up is everything.”
Dr. Maya Angelou
What do you need to wake up to?
Waking Up
Some weeks ago I was in a car crash: I was travelling North to see my parents for an Easter holiday. After 460 miles of uneventful driving with the dogs in the back I hit an obstacle that was lying in the middle lane. I was doing about 75 mph at the time.
I was overtaking a truck when it happened and there was no option to change lanes – that would have caused a proper accident. So I gritted my teeth and held steady. Hearing the ugly noise when something tore the underside of my car.
Red warning lights came on: the car was losing coolant and oil. Fast.
My reaction was annoyance. And wondering whether I might still make it home (I was so close!). But reason (and my dad) persuaded me to turn off at the next exit and stop. I called the ADAC (a German road recovery network that I had just joined) and they sent someone to tow me to the next garage.
We were fine (the dogs and I). A little shaken. But fine and unhurt. What’s more: no one else was hurt due to me verging or losing control of the steering wheel.
But I was also really vexed: I didn’t have the time or the money to deal with this! In reality, of course, I was just waking up to something I needed to address: trust that I am supported. And letting go of the belief that I have to do everything on my own.
New Life
As I said above, we were fine. But I’m well aware that it could have been different. And so I celebrate this new life, the new chance of life I received.
Trouble is: I didn’t need to push it that far.
What do I mean?
There were plenty of opportunities earlier in the year and even last year that told me to let go of the car for good.
Why didn’t I?
Fear. Very simply, I couldn’t see how I could get out of the UK without the car. I couldn’t see how I could sell the car in the UK and then get out again (after moving here). And I couldn’t see how I could purchase another car with my financial situation.
Wherever I looked, I only saw the struggle and obstacles. I couldn’t see a solution. Because I tried to have all the answers. Which I don’t.
I have often joked that if God wants to tell me something they have to whack me over the head pretty hard for me to get the message.
It’s really not that funny, because it just shows how controlling I am – and how difficult it is for me to see, understand, and act on Divine guidance.
Waking Up to New Life
Can you relate? Do you have stories where you knew what the right thing would be, but you let logic drive you to act differently?
I have many of those!
It’s not easy in our world, our society, to let intuition and gut feeling make decisions for us. Especially when there are so many “good” reasons to “play it safe”. Sadly, what we create subsequently is often less than safe.
Commitment to Waking Up
I am committed to be more trusting in Divine inspiration and serendipity this year. That’s what manifesting is all about, after all.
Our part in the world is to ask questions with our wonderful mind; and then be patient and receptive to let the answers come to us.
Use your brain to wonder what else is possible. And to hold up a mirror to you where your limiting thoughts create a reality that you don’t really want.
Change your story. Change your life.
If that sounds like something you’d like some help with, I have created a 3-session coaching package that’s addressing exactly that: Law and Attraction. Find out more here.
What Else to Consider
You don’t need an accident or a shock in your life to wake up to a new life. Of course not! And I hope you are much better than me at letting go and trusting that what’s for you will find you.
But if you, like me, look back at your life and see a bit of a pattern then it might be time to practise mindfulness. And learning again to trust your intuition.
It’s the beauty of hindsight: when you knew you were doing the wrong thing, making the wrong decision; and especially when you can justify why you’re doing what you’re doing. Those are the hallmarks of making sensible decisions that often turn out to be wrong.
Note that when you do go with your gut, you might have to go against friends and family who can’t understand why you decide in this way. That can be scary (I speak from experience) and sometimes it’s impossible to even verbalise why you’re doing it.
Trust that the universe delivers and that you are fully supported. Even when – especially when – you can’t see the how.
Right…time to pick up my new car!
Do you want to book some time to talk? Here’s my calendar.