Teamwork and Collaboration
This is the last week of the Beginnings Collection and we finish on Teamwork and Collaboration. Both are essential to bring your dreams to life.
Last week, we focused on motivation and taking the first steps towards your dream. Did you craft your moodboard? I wonder if you have included other people in the pictures or phrases you’ve chosen.
My own has the word ‘collaboration’ boldly printed across. It’s something I’m working on this year: the right balance between being with others and being on my own.
Is that something that comes up for you? Whether you think of it in terms of introversion vs extroversion, or you just feel energized after being surrounded by people – it’s vital knowledge to collect about yourself.
Today’s guided meditation for mindfulness will help sort this out for you. Even if you think you already know, I invite you to listen and dive a little deeper. There’s always more to learn, and – importantly – become aware of.
Inspirational Quote
It’s astounding how much time passes when researching these articles and, especially, the quotes! So many inspirational women and men who share their wisdom. Today then is from the ‘Godfather’ of manifesting: Andrew Carnegie, who is said to be the inspiration behind Napoleon Hill’s book ‘Think and Grow Rich’.
“No man will make a great business who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit of doing it. That spirit is fatal, and the sure proof of a small mind.”
~ Andrew Carnegie
I’ll add that this applies also to women, of course. It is a pertinent reminder though in a world that is very much focussed on the talents and assets of the individual.
Teamwork vs Collaboration
Let’s have a quick look at the difference between teamwork and collaboration. Is there even one?
Here are the definitions as published by Oxford Languages:
Teamwork = “the combined action of a group, especially when effective and efficient.”
Collaboration = “the action of working with someone to produce something.”
Personally, I make the distinction between the two a little different: teamwork is working with a team I already have (a team that is my business, for example); and collaboration is working with others who add value to what I do – and I add value to what they are doing.
So, here’s my first question for you: what is teamwork to you? What is collaboration? And do you consciously work these? (Okay, it’s three questions…)
Growing Your Network
Let’s look at collaboration and teamwork in two different ways: when you are employed, and when you run your own business.
Growing your network as an employee
In this case your focus is likely going to be on networking with your local colleagues and internationally, and peers in the industry.
From personal experience, as well as through my coaching, I have noticed that many people:
- Don’t like networking
- Don’t realize they have a network
Which category do you fit into?
Maybe even both? If you are struggling with networking, I invite you to reflect on your current network: who is in it? Why are they in it?
If you’re using LinkedIn (I’d highly recommend it!), have a browse through your connections. Can you see a common pattern? Are there people missing you are working with but haven’t yet connected to? Add them!
Growing your network as a business owner
It’s really not THAT different to the above. However, the focus is different: instead of networking with colleagues, you are likely going to network with potential clients, other business owners, and industry peers.
I have participated in quite a few networking groups, both online and in person, and have noticed that many entrepreneurs or small businesses owners are only interested in people they believe will be clients. There are a few exceptions, and I’m hoping there will be many more the next time I venture out.
Remember, even if they’re not going to be a client today, they either might be a client in the future, or they might know someone they will refer to you! This will only happen if you take an interest in them, though. And who knows? You might even come to collaborate with someone who speaks to a similar target audience, albeit offering something quite different to you.
Why should you focus on teamwork and collaboration?
It’s simple really (and proven in countless studies!): we find more robust, resilient, and efficient solutions when we speak about our ideas with others.
But it’s not only the speaking that is important!
In his talk “Build a Tower Build a Team”, Tom Wujec lets us in on a secret: kindergartners are best at efficient collaboration. In this experiment, teams are challenged to build a tower. They are provided with spaghetti, a yard of string, and a marshmallow. The experiment has been dubbed ‘The Marshmallow Challenge’ and it’s been replicated again and again.
So why do Kindergarten students win this outright?
The answer is simple: they have no inhibitions to share their thoughts with their peers. And they dive right into action, rather than wasting time planning and strategizing.
Of course, life is rarely like building a high tower. And in many instances strategizing is hugely important so you don’t waste resources.
But you need to get the balance right between planning and action. A team or a collaboration partner can help with that. And they can also hinder you… Read on.
What do you need? Or more importantly: who do you need?
Sometimes we meet someone and they seem to be a great fit with what we do. They’re enthusiastic about the opportunity, but as time moves on they are less engaged and you feel like the whole load is on you.
It happens.
So, I want you to be careful and mindful about what you need. An idea might be great, exciting, or fun – but will it bring you closer to your dreams?
If not, say no.
You’re not here to work on every idea that comes your way. Choose wisely as you’ll be much more happy!
I invite you to contemplate who is in your life already? Do they know what you do? Do you know what they do? Take this as a starting point to build your network, your team, and your chances for successful collaborations.
–> If you want to talk: book a call!
–> If you want to try a free sleep meditation: get it here!
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