Going All In with Passion

While mercury is still in retrograde (until 25 April in case you’re wondering), it’s time going all in with passion.
Just be mindful of what and how you communicate, so there’s little room for doubt, confusion, or misunderstanding.
Honestly, you’ve done the work. You know what you want. You looked back last week to double check if there are any patterns that you needed to wake up to (and change).
This week is about your passion. It can be scary going all in with passion. I speak from experience. So kudos to you for pushing your comfort zone.
Inspirational Quote
By now you will know that I’m interested in some esoteric things (like Quantum Human Design, for example). However, you also know that I’m deeply rooted in faith, science, and experience.
So, while I sometimes find it easier to access information through the lens of astrology, there is no two ways about that this quote is ace:
“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”
~ Oprah Winfrey
This quote hits the nail on the head: all that I’m hoping you will get out of following me is that you focus on what excites you. And follow that relentlessly!
The Meaning of Passion
Is passion the same as purpose? This is the question I get asked most often when talking about passion. In my opinion, no it isn’t.
Passion is the fuel. Purpose is the destination.
If you think of your big idea that you want to manifest this year, it’s the passion that is going to help you with motivation, support, and resilience.
A fire without fuel is going to stop burning eventually. It will smoke for quite a long time, but there’s no warmth left in it. Neither does it give light to the dark.
When you follow your passion, you burn with a bright light. Everyone can see it, everyone can feel the warmth coming from you.
Do you know the song ‘This Girl is on Fire’ by Alicia Keys? One of my all time favourites! Especially these lines:
You will be noticed. And that can be very scary for us (I’m including myself here). We’re not just shining a light on our brilliance and talents, we’re also showing our ‘less-than-great’ sides and vulnerabilities.
Everybody stares as she goes by
‘Cause they can see the flame that’s in her eyes
Watch her as she′s lighting up the night
The Dangers of Passion
As with everything there are some dangers to be aware of. Which reminds me: you do know the universal law of polarity? I think that might be worth another blog!
The law of polarity states that everything has an opposite: there’s good and evil, right and left, etc. You can’t have one without the other.
With that in mind, passion also has an opposite: apathy. When you don’t have anything to focus on and you’re lacklustre about life in general. Naturally, when that happens you won’t summon up the energy needed to do what you want for your life.
However, there are other dangers, too:
- Becoming rigid: when you become so obsessed about your passion that you see this as the only thing that matters. To you. And everyone else.
- Bulldozing through: when you hurt others in the process of pursuing your idea (this hurt could be verbal, mental, or even physical).
- Telling lies: when you start making things up to gain an advantage.
All of the above mean you are out of alignment with your true self. You’re out of integrity. And therefore, what you will do might give you a quick win, but it won’t benefit you in the long run.
When You’re Not Passionate
Some of us aren’t passionate about anything. At least that’s what we think. I have been there, and in dark moments I still might say that convincingly.
Truth is though that we are all passionate about something. And it’s wonderful to find out what that something is. It’s actually what I am passionate about: helping you to find your “what do I even want” from life.
There are a few options if this is something you’re struggling with (if you are one of the lucky people who know this already just skip ahead).
You can purchase (or review if you have it already) the Soul Journey Explore Your Options. This is an invitation to take stock of the ideas and opportunities already on your radar.
If you don’t want to spend any money, you could also read the blog and do the exercise as a first step.
And if you need more support because you’re still stuck with this and would like to move on (without losing more time and nerves) you can treat yourself to the Law and Attraction coaching package (it doesn’t break the bank).
Is Passion the Answer to Everything?
In short: no. It’s great to keep you focussed (see Oprah’s quote above). It refuels itself by the success you have on the way. It’s the sort of cycle you want to get stuck in as it spins in a positive direction.
Passion shows. If you have a business, for example, others will know very quickly if you’re passionate about it or not. They know whether you’re just in it for the money, or if you’re in it for a deeper purpose.
Side note: I sincerely hope you feel the passion I have for this blog, the soul journeys, and the coaching! If not, please tell me!
You can be successful without passion. In my experience, though, it’s a success that’s based on hard, unfulfilling work, long hours, and a longing for something more.
Remember, this is your life. As my coach, Karen Curry Parker, says “you are a once in a lifetime cosmic event”. You are special and unique; and you are part of the bigger picture.
You have your part to play, so why not find out what you’ve been cast as?
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