Finding Love

Posted on May 13, 2024 Tags:
Finding Love - like the love I share with my two black labs! Claudia sitting next to her two black Labradors.

Possibly the ultimate topic since the beginning of time: finding love. It stands to reason that this topic falls into the Beltane season; it’s the midpoint between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. It’s also seen as “the wedding and union of the god and goddess that brought forth all life”.

After encountering and establishing our community, and seeing how it supports us with proliferation of opportunities and promises; we are now able to enter into a deeper level of connection. 

Finding love. 

At the time of writing, I’m single. Unsure if I want to get back into the dating game. But I’m sure about the importance of love in our lives…

If you’ve been keeping up with my blog, jump ahead to the inspirational quote section. If not, and you’re somewhat at a loss what I’m referring to in the above, you have a few options: 

  1. Continue reading – especially if this topic is calling to you! 
  2. Go back to the start of this Celtic calendar exploration. The Beginnings Collection is about exploring your options and making good decisions
  3. Find out more about this year-long journey of personal growth and manifesting your dreams. 

Now, let’s return to this week’s topic of finding love. 

Inspirational Quote

Researching inspirational quotes is like going down a rabbit hole. Especially on a hot topic like love! But I have found one which is from the very popular best-selling novel ‘The Alchemist’: 

“So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” 

~ Paulo Coelho

This is, of course, a quote you can only use when you have found The One. Or is it? 

In my life, I have people who I love. Not in a romantic sense, but in a way that I know my life would be poorer if these people weren’t in it. 

Too often, we crave for romantic love. The partner. The one. Without seeing the love we already have in our lives: and the love that is directed at us. 

And so we wait, wonder, date (endlessly) and get more and more frantic because it’s not happening for us. 

With today’s blog I want to extend an invitation to try something different. Become aware of the love you have for others in your life (including your pets), and the love that’s coming back to you. 

Be grateful for this love that’s really all around you. 

This way, you open the door and the heart to love and a partner. 

How to Find Love in Your Life

When thinking about manifesting, many people believe it’s a question of thoughts: think it and it’ll happen. This is partly true. 

But there’s more to it than that. And it’s that which makes all the difference to manifesting success: feeling. 

The best way that I discovered learning about Quantum Human Design, is manifesting using my thoughts to generate positive feelings and be grateful for what I already have. This works particularly well if you have something (or someone) who evokes those feelings. 

So where is love in your life today? 

Do you have a pet? Parents? Siblings? Friends? Of course you do – maybe not all of them, but one or two. 

Now that you know ‘who’ I invite you to make a list for each person / pet and write down what you love about them. 

The Importance of Positive Thoughts on Love 

Just like with other aspects of your life, it might be easier to say what you don’t! I firmly believe it’s a societal thing: focusing on the bad. And zoning in on the negative. 

We really need to get out of it! 

So I implore you: write down what you love. What you like. What makes you laugh. What makes you feel valued around them. What you appreciate about them. 

As an additional feel good step you might like to share your thoughts with them. Depending on your personality and style, you could phone them up, tell them in person over coffee (or a glass of wine), or write them a card. Or any other way that feels good to you. 

Positive emotions and love generate more positive emotions and love! 

If you don’t believe me, try it out in a trivial situation: next time you meet someone on the road, wish them a good day. Smile at them. Most likely they’ll smile back (surprised maybe). You might strike up a conversation. And this could lead to other opportunities. 

When you try this out, don’t forget to let me know about what happened next! I’d love to know who you met and how that brightened up your day! Just email me on

Enjoy Life Finding Love

Make the above a habit. I’ve experienced so much more joy and lovely encounters with new people since using this approach. Admittedly, it’s still a work in progress! 

When you see the good in your life and your love, you are going to find more of it. You’re going to find the life you dream of (secretly). And you’re going to find love that’s exactly what you’re looking for. 

It might not be in a societal conform way (i.e. a marriage proposal, etc.), but it will be what’s right for you and your special someone. Don’t feel the need to conform; you might want to because you want to fit in. But that only leads to heartache. And not fitting in anyways. 

So embrace yourself. Love yourself. And love those around you (if you really don’t love them, change your environment). That’s what finding love is all about!

There’s a current trend in personal development that says you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. I don’t agree with that: I want you to be super hard on yourself when you indulge in negative thoughts and emotions: 

  • When you scroll through social media and judge others’ content 
  • When you drive and bad mouth everyone else on the road 
  • When your colleagues can’t get anything right and you have to pick up the pieces. Again. 

STOP! Be hard on yourself and disciplined enough to change the voices in your head. 

If you can’t see the positive in the situation, go to a different place in your mind. Allow yourself the beauty to stay positive. And fight for this right. 

The more vigilant you are, the sooner you are going to find love. 

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