Facing your Fears
Is facing your fears easy? From personal experience I say “no”. But for writing this blog, I dug a little deeper and thought the actual problem isn’t so much the fear or walking through it. It’s recognizing that it is fear.
Plain and simple: fear. Which often comes out as irritation, anger, rude behaviour – or flight.
Afterwards: blame.
The circumstances. The situation. The people.
Shame might also come up. A feeling of not having been good enough in that situation. Having been triggered.
What it means: facing your fears
Usually what we mean is that we are confronting the fears. That we are trying to overcome them.
But I like to look at it more literally: turning your face towards fear. Recognizing it is fear. Acknowledging it.
How does fear show up for you
Then it’s important to observe your behaviour. What emotion is coming up? Anger? Sadness? Defensiveness? Numbness? Something else?
And how does that emotion play out in the situation? Do you erupt? Do you cry? Or fall silent? Do you start to justify the situation or your part in it? Do you run away?
The crucial hack on facing your fears
Don’t judge yourself. We all have fears and experience the resulting behaviour. Maybe you’re not proud of the behaviour (I know I’m not), but it’s human to overreact when triggered.
The best thing you can do is what you’re starting to do already: observe the behaviour, recognize the fear.
Facing your Fears at a Crossroads
A while ago I wrote a blog post about being at a crossroads (you can read it here).
Many of my clients are fearful when they come to a crossroad. What’s the right direction? What if they choose wrong?
It is this fear of making the wrong choice that’s keeping many overworked and unfulfilled employees in a state of paralysis.
Paralysis achieves only one thing: others make choices for you.
Usually not to your benefit.
Choices at a Crossroads
For many making a decision about where to go next is difficult and fearful because they have to choose between:
- Loyalty and Personal Growth
- Years of Service and a New Start
- Knowing the ins and outs at the company and Not knowing anything
- The hope that something will change and the certainty that it does
- Comfort Zone and Pushing Boundaries
- Career Stagnation and Career Development
- Income Certainty and Income Potential
This is only an exemplary list and I’m sure you could add more.
And there’s another big consideration: energy! Often my clients don’t have the energy to become aware of the choices. If they are aware, they lack the energy to probe themselves over what is important to them.
Most often they will say “once this is out of the way I’ll have time to look at it”.
Sadly, it doesn’t happen.
Overcoming your Fears
As already mentioned above, the first step of facing your fears is to recognize them as fears. Watch your behaviour and get clear why this crossroads triggers you.
Observation is a key part of my coaching: clients have to report back in our session how they felt in various situations. You can do this on your own, too.
You just have to be disciplined and keep a diary (this can be written or recorded) so that you can understand the patterns over time.
If you don’t want to do this on your own, or you’d like to see results more quickly, I’d be happy to have a chat with you to see how we can get your career on the track you want it to be on. And if you’d like to just keep up with what I’m posting about I invite you to follow me on LinkedIn.