Embodying Power and Ambition

Posted on April 22, 2024 Tags: ,
Embodying Power and Ambition exemplified by a hut on a green meadow filled with dandelions and storm clouds gathering in the sky.

Consider this an invitation to fully embody your power and ambition. To integrate these creative forces and acknowledge them. To use them to propel you forwards at unknown speeds. 

Would you like to step out in confidence? Know what you want from your life and go out and get it? 

Of course you would! 

And it’s about time you did. 

This week follows on from reclaiming and igniting your passion. If you’ve been following along from the start, you might come to appreciate how long change takes. How easy it is to not bother and just continue with the same old. 

So, I want to honour you for doing the work. For looking with compassion at what is happening in your life and how you want to move forward. You are doing so well! And I’m super proud of you. 

If this is the first time you’ve stumbled on this blog and you’re wondering what I’m on about, there are a couple of options for you: 

  1. Continue reading – especially if this topic is calling to you! 
  2. Go back to the start of this Celtic calendar exploration. The Beginnings Collection is about exploring your options and making good decisions. 
  3. Find out more about this year-long journey of personal growth and manifesting dreams. 

Now, let’s return to this week’s topic of embodying your power and intuition. 

Inspirational Quote

I’m going old school here. A true master of philosophy who, after about 2300 years, is still giving us a lot of food for thought, power and ambition! 

What lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do.


Right, that’s philosophy for you; but I’ve chosen this quote particularly because it speaks to both power and ambition. 

Sometimes, we let ourselves be blinded by ambition and go all in with our power to do something. Often, when this happens we wish afterwards we hadn’t been so careless. 

It’s important to me that you realise that you have the power to move mountains! YES! And you also have the power, and responsibility, to check whether this is your mountain to move. Always check back with your own ambition, your assumptions, and whether you might be trying to move something out of the way for someone else. Hint: don’t!

What does embodying mean?

When I’m talking about ‘embodying’, I mean that you feel it in your very bones. You might be familiar with your body shaking when you’re angry; or the waves of despair running through your body when you’re sad. 

Of course, there are also plenty of positive examples: butterflies in your stomach and electric currents running through your body when you’re in love; and the relaxing, happy sensation when you’re crying with laughter. 

In essence, it’s feeling deep down. You can feel your power deep down, and your ambition. You will need both to bring your dream into reality. Without fear. 

What Power do you have? 

Have you seen those images and quizzes that promise to show you your superpower? For a while I thought they were everywhere. To be honest, they probably still are but I stopped looking at the posts and, therefore, they just dropped off my feed. 

That’s power right there: the power to influence what shows up in your life. Or, in this example, in your feed. It’s a great way to practise your focus and check whether you’re getting distracted!

Remember, you want to focus on what you want to have in your life. If you’re not sure what that looks like, please go back to the Beginnings Collection. Yes, we’re following nature’s seasons, but sometimes our lives aren’t in sync. So allow yourself the time to slow down enough and become clear on what you want. 

Let’s look at an overly simplified example: you want the power to do 50 push-ups. At the moment you can’t do even one. When you focus on your goal, you start moving more, concentrating on your upper body strength. Every day you attempt a push-up and after a couple of days you notice progress. After a week you manage a full push up (without arching your back). Your power is growing. You see the results and so you keep doing it until you manage 50. 

Now, very often in life we don’t hang in there that long. Mostly, it’s because we become distracted. Using the example above, we’d focus on the push ups and then realise we don’t have enough upper body strength, so instead of practising push ups we watch videos on improving upper body strength…and give justifications why we can’t do push ups. We might also do some of the suggested exercises to build strength, but now the goal of 50 push ups is so far removed from where you are that you let go of it altogether. 

Has that happened to you before? 

I’ve certainly done this. And not only with fitness! 

Where does Ambition come in? 

Our second topic today is ambition. It’s a word that can have a negative connotation, because sometimes we think of white men in suits negotiating deals that benefit them but are bad news for anyone else (think Richard Gere in Pretty Woman before his change of heart). 

That’s not what we’re after, of course. Ambition in this sense is a driving force: it’s the belief that what you want is something you can have. It’s the motivation to stay focussed on what you want. Not let distractions get in the way. 

Does that mean you should have tunnel vision? 

Yes and no (how I answer most questions, lol). 

Let’s start with ‘no’ first: don’t let ambition make your vision so narrow that you miss out on opportunities along the way. You might take a longer route if you miss out on partnerships, collaborations, feedback, or plain old serendipity. You also want to enjoy life and not be a slave to your vision! 

Okay, now for the ‘yes’: do let your ambition guide you into the tunnel when it comes to unnecessary distractions: the latest tik tok trend, spending five hours on crafting an instagram reel that was already good to go after 30 minutes. Do let your ambition keep you from running after opportunities that aren’t any.

Applied this way, or I should say embodied this way, you will use your ambition to its fullest extent and take advantage of all the possible shortcuts along the way. 

Embodying Power and Ambition 

I’m curious: do you feel like you’re embodying your power and ambition? Drop me a message with your answer. I’d love to hear your thoughts! 

Hopefully this blog has given you a bit more insight on the wonderful ways your mind supports you on your journey. Yes, the ego is going to try and trip you up, but you know this. And can recognize it more easily. 

You are powerful and ambitious. These are wonderful traits that, when embodied, will help you manifest your dreams with more ease and grace. It’ll also allow you to find opportunities to work together. 

I can’t wait to find out where you’re going to apply yourself. 

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