Closing Doors 

Posted on March 11, 2024

This week it’s time that we are closing doors. Something we are not keen on as individuals and society (at least here in what we call the West). 

We are brought up to think and believe that we can have everything and be everything that we want. We “just” need to focus and work hard. 

There is, of course, some truth in that: the focus

We need focus to be able to say “no” to those opportunities and distractions that are trying to take our attention from the path that we know, deep down, we want to take. 

In the last two weeks we’ve been exploring your options and then made a decision on your theme for the year (or years) ahead. If you’d like to dive deeper, I invite you to listen to the corresponding two Soul Journeys, guided meditations, to explore the options in your mind’s eye and then come to your decision. This works with your subconscious mind to enable your authentic self to give the answers. 

This week we are following on from that work and commit to closing the doors to the options that aren’t for us at this time. 

Looking back 

Over the last few weeks you’ve done a lot of soul searching: looking at your options and deciding on what you want to focus on for this year. 

You’ve taken your time to weigh the options in your mind’s eye. You’ve journeyed to see what happens to your ideas when you focus on one in particular; and what happens when you place your focus elsewhere.

There are ideas and opportunities that will be filled by others now that you have decided against them. And that’s okay. 

There might also be ideas that could be opportunities in your future further ahead: they have not yet hatched. Keep those in mind, or write them down somewhere, and know that they will come to you when the time is right. 

Preparation to close doors 

You already have a list with your ideas (if you’ve skipped that part I invite you to write all your ideas and opportunities down; all of them, not just the one you chose). 

Take that list out now and cut out the different points so that you have ribbons of paper, all with one idea or opportunity written on them. 

Now make three piles: 

  • Focus: this is your main idea or opportunity for the year 
  • Keep: these are those ideas that you want to incubate and might come back to later
  • Gift: these are the ideas that you give away to others

Next week we will return to your main idea, so keep hold of that little piece of paper and place it somewhere special. Maybe you have a precious stone that you can use as a paperweight; also select a space for your Keep Ideas. A box would work well. Put this somewhere a little out of sight. 

Giving thanks and blessings for closing doors

Let’s focus on the third pile: gifts. These are the ideas and opportunities you are giving away to others. 

While many of them will not be literal gifts, they are opportunities that you won’t fill personally at this time, so there is a space for someone else to step in. For example, if you had thought of going for a different job, but decided it’s not the right time for you, that job still needs to be filled. 

Remind yourself that you can’t do all the things – at least not if you want to enjoy them as well, rather than feeling stressed because there’s too much going on and you’re stretching yourself too thin. 

Go through each idea and opportunity that is in front of you, picking up one piece of paper at a time. Be brave and envision someone else fulfilling these options. Become conscious of what you’re giving up and excited about enabling others to go for this. 

After you’ve envisioned someone else fulfilling this role give them your blessing acknowledging that this isn’t your opportunity. Then place the paper on the side and take up the next one. 

Closing doors 

Once you’ve gone through the whole pile of papers (whether yours is big or small doesn’t matter), it’s time to close doors.

It’s a big moment and I want you to know that this isn’t easy: acknowledging things that will not happen to you and for you this year takes huge courage! 

It shows that you are ready to give your ALL to what you have chosen! 

Take up the pile of ideas and opportunities that are gifts. You’ve already blessed them and given thanks that they showed up for you. Now it’s time to release them for good.

Choose one of the following options: 

  • Make a fire and burn each slip of paper; see it go up in smoke and know that it’s finding its way to the intended person to fulfill the opportunity. 
  • Shred the slips of paper by tearing them apart and then disposing of them in the recycling bin. 

Make sure that you don’t hang on to these papers because the energy is going to slow your progress: at the back of your mind you will come back to these and wonder “what if” which is time consuming, energy sucking, and (to be honest) utterly useless. 

You have just done something amazing: released ideas that weren’t yours to keep. Enabling others to step up and fulfill their dreams. And giving your blessing for them to do so. 

It’s a big energy release that you have undertaken by closing doors and I invite you to use Soul Journey and the Workbook for this week in case you are struggling with resistance. Also, please remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day.